Some Important Geographical Abbreviation and Acronyms

  1. ABSM  -  Alberta Bureau of Surveying and Mapping
  2. AccuDEM  -  High-accuracy DEM
  3. DEM  - Digital Elevation Model
  4. ADP  -  Automated data processin
  5. ARZ  -  Auto Restricted Zone
  6. CAN -  Controlled Area Network
  7. CBD  -  Central business district
  8. DAT  -  Digital audio tape
  9. DMS  -  Defense Mapping School / Degrees, minutes, seconds / Distribution Management System
  10. D3  -  Digital Design Data
  11. EA  -  Environmental assessment
  12. EDGE  -  Energy Data Geographical Explorer (Petroconsultants, Inc.)
  13. ENVISAT  -  Environmental Satellite
  14. EDUSAT  -  Educational Satellite
  15. FAO  -  Food and Agricultural Organization (United Nations)
  16. FAQ  -  Frequently Asked Question(s)
  17. GAP  -  Geographic Application Program
  18. GEO  -  Geospatial Metadata Application Profile (USA); Geostationary Earth orbit; Global Environment                   Outlook
  19. GEODESY  -  Geospatial Data and Exploration System (Harvard Univ.)
  20. GEOSAT  -  Geodesy Satellite
                                                                                         To be continued...................

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